About Fashionable
Hi, I'm Fashionable, the e-commerce theme, and it's my pleasure to meet you. If you have a moment I'd like to walk you through what I have to offer, just as you might do for your customers in this very same area. I may appear to be a simpleton, but I have some quirks that set me appart. For starters I'm a responsive theme. I'm prepared to be viewed on the variety of devices your customers will be using. From large-resolution displays down to the narrowest of smart-phone screen, you'll find that I've paid great attention to details. My goal is to fit your needs. Whether you've got products loaded with options or simpler items for a mimalistic approach, I've done my best to accomodate your needs. You'll find the same is true for the category and search pages. If you want it fully equipped or would rather a simple and clean set up, you have options.
Additionally, I've prepared a small contact form for you at no additional charge. Simply add this code:
<iframe src="/shared/themes/fashionable/forms/simple-contact-form.html" class="simple-contact-form" scrolling="no" >
</iframe >
to your contact page, or wherever you'd like. You can check it out on my "Contact Us" page, and see for yourself. In the mean time, enjoy your stay.